Frequently Asked Questions

Understand that repairing a roof is more of a job than it looks, and it’s dangerous work. In addition, if it leaks when you’re finished, who are you going to call? We don’t recommend it. However, if you’re bound and determined, we’ll give you all the help we can.
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Probably. But the definitive word will come from checking with your local government. Your contractor usually takes care of the permit for you, but be sure to ask. If he doesn’t, you’ll have to handle it with the city yourself.
Many times, the first sign that you have a problem with your roof is a leak. However, it could be simply a wet spot or stain on the ceiling. A further clue is finding pieces of roofing on the ground after a big wind. Try using a pair of binoculars or a telephoto camera lens to look at your roof from the ground. Loose or broken tiles, or granules falling off asphalt shingles, are all signs that a repair or replacement is in order. Feel free to call us for a referral of a roofer to check it out for you.
Replacing your roof or doing roof repair is labor-intensive. Depending on your particular type of roof, expect anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Built-up roofs can typically be replaced at roughly 1,500 square feet per day. Single-ply roofs can move anywhere 2,000 to 4,000 square feet per day. The better your roofer is at planning and project management, the faster they’ll work and the less likely they are to be held up by bad weather.
In our opinion, no more than three. More than that, and you’re not only wasting contractors’ time, you’re also more than likely wind up confused by which one said what.
For residential roofing, there are six basic types: fiberglass/asphalt shingles; fire-treated wood shakes and shingles; clay or concrete tile; real and synthetic shake/slate products; hot tar (BUR, or Built-Up Roofing); and modified roofing (torch or mop). That’s pretty much it.
That’s a good question. The biggest difference in the grades of shingles are thickness (weight), and appearance. The lowest level shingle is designed to be functional, and have a low price point. As you move up in grade of shingles, they are thicker (weigh more) and have a more aesthetic look. Besides looking better, the higher grade will last longer. Shingle warranties are prorated, so read the fine print. Generally speaking, warranty claims are minimal, so one should be realistic about what a lifetime warranty is worth.
Anytime you walk on your roof, you’re apt to do some damage, particularly if your roof is tile. We suggest you attach the lights to the fascia with clips from the hardware store so you won’t need to go on the roof at all. Otherwise, you can walk on the roof to install the lights. (Afterwards, be sure to call a roofer to do the necessary repairs.)
Asphalt shingles are a little different than road surface. The two basic kinds are Organic-Based and Fiberglass-Based. Organic-based asphalt shingles have a cellulose-fiber base like recycled paper and wood fiber. The base is saturated with a special asphalt coating, then covered with weather-resistant granules. Fiberglass-based asphalt shingles are made with a glass-fiber base, surfaced with the asphalt coating and the same weather-resistant granules.